Spider Veins

Spider Veins Treatments
Concerned about spider veins? Make an Appointment

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    Although they may look like varicose veins, spider veins are often painless damaged veins on the legs or facial region. Most people seek treatment for for cosmetic reasons.

    The veins usually appear in small webs, branches, or thin lines, which sometimes earns them the name “thread veins.”

    Treatments that reduce the appearance of or altogether remove spider veins are available. First, let’s look at what causes them.

    Causes of Spider Veins

    What causes spider veins? They occur due to damaged valves. Veins, which carry blood to the heart, need valves to prevent the backward flow of blood. But when these one-way valves weaken or get damaged, unidirectional blood flow is disrupted. This causes blood to pool inside the vein.

    Over time, this pooling blood makes the vein bulge, then branch out, leading to spider veins.

    Facial spider veins often appear due to sun damage or increased pressure, which can cause tiny blood vessels to burst.

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    Spider Veins vs. Varicose Veins

    Are spider veins the same as varicose veins? Each of these medical conditions is a form of venous insufficiency or chronic venous insufficiency. Even though they’re both caused by weakened and damaged valves, they tend to have different symptoms.

    Spider veins appear as tiny, thin threads or lines that are flat or slightly raised. Varicose veins are much larger and deeper and tend to be lumpy and twisted.

    Spider veins are often blue, purple, or red, whereas varicose veins are invariably red or flesh-colored.

    Also, varicose veins can cause various other symptoms such as swelling, bleeding, itching, and pain. They increase the likelihood of circulatory issues and blood clots.

    Risk Factors for Spider Veins

    Pregnancy increases blood flow and puts extra weight on the legs. This dramatically increases the chances of pregnant women developing spider veins on the legs.

    Sometimes they disappear after the pregnancy, but in some cases, they can be permanent.

    90% of people who develop spider veins have a history of them in their family. The condition is usually hereditary.

    Females are more likely to develop spider veins than men are.

    The valves in the leg veins weaken with age, increasing the likelihood of blood pooling in the veins. Calf muscles give some support to veins, but with age, these muscles weaken too.

    Estrogen weakens valves, so taking hormonal treatments for birth control or menopause increases the risk of spider veins.

    Coughing, sneezing, or vomiting forcefully may give rise to spider veins. This is because excessive pressure in the face can cause blood vessels to rupture. Women are especially prone to facial spider veins during childbirth due to the pressure of pushing.

    Sun damage can also cause facial spider veins when it breaks through skin and damages underlying blood vessels. Ultraviolet light can burst blood vessels, causing pooling.

    Being overweight can add more pressure on leg veins, making valves more likely to malfunction.

    Staying in the same position for extended periods makes it harder for veins to pump blood upwards to the heart.

    When there’s already damage to the vein or a clot, the valves malfunction more easily, increasing the likelihood of spider veins occurring.

    spider veins treatment before and after - Pedes Orange County

    Treatments for Spider Veins

    Unlike varicose veins, spider veins are harmless. Most people seek treatment for cosmetic reasons. However, treatment will also alleviate the mild yet persistent discomfort this condition sometimes causes.

    Spider Veins Treatments

    Why Pedes Orange County

    A spider vein looks very different from a varicose vein, and generally, they don’t affect you like varicose veins, but they can be just as severe as varicose veins when they are in groups or clumps. Preventing this condition is possible through self-care and minor lifestyle adjustments. It’s vital to be proactive if your family has a history of the condition. Give us a call and talk to one of our specialists.

    Endovascular Today

    Endovascular Today – Analysis Shows Similar Efficacy For UFE Versus Myomectomy, With Greater Improvement In Menorrhagia And Less Need For Blood Transfusion

    March 25, 2019— Research presented at the Society of Interventional Radiology’s (SIR) Annual Scientific Meeting found that patients with uterine fibroids treated via embolization (UFE) were less likely to require blood transfusions than those treated with surgical myomectomy and that similar efficacy could be expected between the procedures.


    What to Expect from Your Visit to Pedes



    Your treatment will begin with an ultrasound examination of your veins, arteries, or both, in your legs to diagnose the presence and extent of the disease. Your test results will be immediately available to review with the doctor.