1400 Reynolds Ave. Ste 110 Irvine, CA 92614


Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Varicose Veins in the Feet- What is the Cause?


Varicose veins in the feet are bulging veins that run just beneath the surface of the skin. They are engorged, twisted, & typically dark blue in appearance. Varicose veins can be found anywhere on your body but occur most commonly in the legs & feet. While varicose veins do not usually warrant a cause for serious medical concern, they can be unsightly, uncomfortable, & a point of insecurity for you. Keep reading to learn more [...]

Varicose Veins in the Feet- What is the Cause?2022-07-25T19:59:14+00:00

Are Women at Higher Risk for Varicose Veins?


What are varicose veins? Varicose veins are bulging veins that run just beneath the surface of the skin. These veins will commonly appear on the legs and feet. They are a result of malfunctioning valves in inside the unhealthy vein. When these valves malfunction, blood is not pushed upwards back towards the heart. Instead, unhealthy valves cause blood to flow backward. The blood then pools and causes the vein to deform and bulge. Varicose veins [...]

Are Women at Higher Risk for Varicose Veins?2023-05-05T00:45:19+00:00

Chronic Venous Insufficiency – Signs, Symptoms, & Complications


Studies show that chronic venous insufficiency, CVI, is prevalent in up to 40% of U.S. adults. CVI is a vascular condition that affects the way in which blood flows properly throughout your body. Your arteries and veins are key components in your vascular system. They work consistently with your heart to ensure that your body’s organs & tissues are getting exactly what they need. Arteries carry oxygenated, nutrient-rich blood away from the heart and [...]

Chronic Venous Insufficiency – Signs, Symptoms, & Complications2023-05-05T00:45:19+00:00